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Authors: Steve Bentioulis, Augie Bravo, Will Murphy
Authors: Sarang Harshey (sh2669) (SysEn 5800 Fall 2024)
Stewards: Nathan Preuss, Wei-Han Chen, Tianqi Xiao, Guoqing Hu

== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==
<blockquote>''“The subject of my talk is perhaps most directly indicated by simply asking two questions: first, is it harder to multiply than to add? and second, why?...there is no algorithm for multiplication computationally as simple as that for addition, and this proves something of a stumbling block” - Alan Cobham, 1965''</blockquote>Computational complexity refers to the amount of resources needed to solve a problem. Complexity increases as the amount of resources required increases.  
Computational complexity is a study of resources, especially time and space, required to solve a computational problem. It provides an understanding of how the resource requirement scales-up as the problem gets bigger and bigger. Another objective is to know which problems are solvable using algorithms and which problems are truly difficult and practically impossible to solve.
=== Complexity Classes ===
Problems can be grouped into sets that share a common property and require similar amount of computational resources. These sets or groups are known as ''Complexity Classes''. Some basic types of complexity classes are mentioned below.
===== P (Polynomial Time) Class =====
If a problem can be solved in polynomial time, then it is considered as a Class P problem. Problems in this class are efficiently solvable, however, the time required to solve grows polynomially with the size of input.<ref name=":0">R. Vanderbei, Linear Programming Foundations and Extensions, Springer, 2014.</ref><ref name=":3">Sanjeev Arora, Boaz Barak, Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.</ref> Linear programming problems are considered under P class.
===== NP (Non-deterministic Polynomial Time) Class =====
If the solution of a problem can be verified in polynomial time, then the problem is considered as a Class NP problem. These problems require a solution that can be verified, but finding a solution itself may take more than polynomial time.<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":3" />
===== NP-Hard Class =====
NP-Hard problems may or may not fall under NP Class. A problem H is NP-Hard if for every problem L in NP, there exists a polynomial time reduction from L to H.<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":3" /> These are usually optimization problems.
===== NP-Complete Class =====
NP-Complete problems are a subset of NP class. If all the problems in a NP can be reduced to problem H in polynomial time, then problem H is considered as NP-Complete.<ref name=":0" /><ref name=":3" /> NP Complete problems are the hardest problems to solve. These are usually decision problems.
=== History ===
The history of computational complexity can be traced back to the paper, ''On computable numbers with an application to the Entsheidungs problem<ref>A. M. Turing, “On  computable numbers with an application to the Entsheidungs problem,” in ''The  London Mathematical Society'', 1936.</ref>,'' published in 1936 by A M Turing. In this paper, Turing introduced his famous Turing Machine and provided a convincing formalization of computable function. In following years, once the theory was established to determine which problem can and cannot be solved, questions regarding relative computational difficulty came up.<ref>S. A. Cook, “An  overview of computational complexity,” ''Communications of the ACM,'' vol.  26, no. 6, pp. 400-408, 1983.</ref> This can be considered as the birth of computational complexity. Rabin M O in his paper, ''Degree of difficulty of computing a function and partial ordering or recursive sets<ref>M. O. Rabin, “Degree of difificulty of computing a function and a partial ordering or recursive sets,” Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 1960.</ref>,'' in 1960 made an attempt to measure the amount of work inherent in computing a function along with defining the degree of difficulty of computing a function. Another influential paper that was published in 1965 by Hartmanis and Stearns, ''On the computational complexity of algorithms<ref>J. Hartmanis, R. Stearns, “On the Computational Complexity of Algorithms,” ''American Mathematical Society,'' 1965.</ref>'', discussed the method of categorizing problems according to how hard they are to compute. As part of this paper, a variety of theorems were established. It also provided a way to classify functions or recognition problems according to their computational complexity and laid out definitions of time complexity and space complexity. Paper by Alan Cobham in 1965, ''The intrinsic computational difficulty of functions<ref>A. Cobham, “The intrinsic computational difficulty of functions,” ''Logic, methodology and philosophy of science,'' pp. 24-30, 1965.</ref>'', discussed the relative difficulty between addition and multiplication and characterised an important class of functions computable in time bounded by a polynomial in the length of input. These papers from Cobhem, Hartemanis and Rabin can be considered as the foundation for the field of computational complexity. Manuel Blum in 1967, formulated axioms known as Blum Axioms, that specify desirable properties of complexity measures on the set of computation function. Field of computational complexity started to grow from 1971 onwards, with studies from Steven Cook, Leonid Levin and Richard Karp which expanded the study of problems belonging to class NP-Complete.
=== Need for Computational Complexity ===
Computational complexity provides a method to analyse an algorithm in terms of complexity and provides information on the performance that can be expected. In a complex algorithm, through computational complexity, costliest steps (in terms of space and time) can be identified and efforts can be made for improving efficiency by tuning these steps before implementation.  It also helps in selecting the best algorithms and eliminate inefficient algorithms.
== Algorithm Discussion ==
Complexity of an algorithm can be calculated by establishing a relationship between the length of the input and the number of steps (time complexity) or amount of space that algorithm takes (space complexity) to compute the problem. This relationship is usually represented as a function. The smaller the value of this function, the higher the efficiency of the algorithm. Function value also indicates the growth rate with respect to size of the input.
==== Asymptotic Notations ====
Mathematical notations, usually known as ''Asymptotic Notations'', are used to describe the complexity of any algorithm. There are broadly three notations used to describe complexity, namely – Big-O (''O'' - Notation), Big-Theta (Θ - Notation) and Big-Omega (Ω - Notation).

While this notion may seem straightforward enough, the notion of computational complexity has profound impacts. Additionally, the theory of computational complexity is in its infancy as it has only been studied in earnest starting in the 20th century.
===== Big-O Notation =====
'''''O - notation''''' represents the upper bound or the worst case, i.e. maximum time (or space) required for an algorithm. For functions ''f'' and ''t,''

== Theory, Methodology ==
<math>f(n) = O(t(n))</math>,
The concept of computation has evolved since the advent of the standard universal electronic computer and it’s widespread societal adoption. And while the electronic computer is based on the refined definition of computation, it’s important to remember that computation is a major scientific concept in it’s own right.

When studying computation, a key area of interest is understanding what problems are, in fact, computable. Researchers have shown that some tasks are inherently incomputable in that no computer can solve them without going into infinite loops on certain inputs. This phenomena begs the question how do you determine if a problem can be computed, and moreover, for those problems that can be computed how can you calculate the complexity associated with computing the answer.
if <math>f(n) \leq c.t(n)</math> for all <math>n\geq d</math>, where ''c'' and ''d'' are positive integers<ref name=":1">Reza Zanjirani Farahani, Masoud Hekmatfar, Facility Location - Concepts, Models, Algorithms and Case Studies, Physica-Verlag, 2009.</ref><ref name=":2">M. Sipser,  Introduction To The Theory Of Computation, Thomson Course Technology, 2006.</ref>

The focus of computational complexity is the measure of computational efficiency quantifying the amount of computational resources required to solve a problem.
===== Big-Omega Notation =====
'''Ω''' '''''- notation''''' represents lower bound or the best case, i.e. minimum time (or space) required for an algorithm. For functions, ''f'' and ''t,''

=== Complexity Class ===
<math>f(n) = \Omega (t(n))</math>,
Within the study of computational complexity there exists the notion of a complexity class defined as a set of functions that can be computed within given resource bounds.

==== P ====
if <math>f(n)\geq c.t(n)</math> for all <math>n\geq d</math>, where ''c'' and ''d'' are positive integers<ref name=":1" /><ref name=":2" />
Class P Computational complexity problems refer to those that can solved in polynomial running time, where “P” stands for polynomial. Important to note that class P only includes specific decision problems, e.g. product of 3 and 5; its is not acceptable to state that integer multiplication is in class P. Also, running time is a function of the number of bits in the input

==== NP ====
===== Big-Theta Notation =====
NP stands for nondeterministic polynomial time, originally referring to nondeterministic Turing machines (NDTM) in which the Turing machine has two transition functions and the computer arbitrarily determines which transition function to apply.
'''''Θ - notation''''' represents average-case as it gives both upper and lower bounds of the algorithm. For functions, ''f'' and ''t,''

Complexity class NP consists of problems that can be verified within a running time upper bounded by polynomial function. Verifiability is the concept that if given a potential solution to the problem it can be confirmed or rejected.

===== NP-hard =====
if <math>c_1.t(n)\leq f(n) \leq c_2.t(n)</math> for all <math>n\geq d</math>, where ''c<sub>1</sub>'', ''c<sub>2</sub>'' and ''d'' are positive integers<ref name=":1" /><ref name=":2" />
The NP-hard complexity class is a subcategory of the NP complexity class that defines those problems that are at least as hard as any other language in NP. If P ≠ NP, then NP-hard problems cannot be decided in polynomial time. See P vs NP on this page.

===== NP-complete =====
=== Common Big-O Notations ===
NP-complete refers to those problems within the NP complexity-class that are the hardest problems t solve within the NP class. Examples of NP-complete problems include Independent Set, Traveling Salesperson, Subset Sum, and Integer Programming problem. The implication of these problems is that they are not in P unless P = NP.  
Big-O (O-notation) is commonly used to describe the complexity of algorithms, as it provides the worst-case estimate. It considers only the number of steps involved for the problem resolution and not the hardware configuration that’s being used. Some of the common complexities are mentioned below.

=== P vs NP ===
'''Constant Time Complexity <math>O(1)</math>''': computation time for the problem is independent of size of the input data.
The difference between class P and class NP computational complexity is illustrated simply with a crossword, sudoku, or another puzzle type. The effort required to solve a puzzle from scratch would be categorized as class P complexity, whereas the effort required to verify a friend’s solution to a sudoku puzzle would be classified as a class NP complexity.

This then begs the question that for every class NP problem, i.e. those that can be verified, does that mean it can also be solved? If so, then P = NP. However, we have not yet been able to prove that P = NP and thus the implications that P ≠ NP must also be considered.
'''Linear Time Complexity''' <math>O(n)</math>: computation time for the problem is proportional to the size of the input n and increase linearly.

The importance of understanding P vs NP is the subject of much discussion and has even sparked competition in the scientific community. The problem of P vs NP was selected by the Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI) of Cambridge, Massachusetts as one of seven most difficult and important problems to be solved at the dawn of the 21<sup>st</sup> century. A prize of $1 million has been allocated for anyone that can bring forward a solution
'''Polynomial Time Complexity''' <math>O(n^c)</math>: computation time for the problem is polynomial times of size of the input ''n'' where ''c'' is a constant depending on the problem.
'''Exponential Time Complexity''' <math>O(2^n)</math>: computation time for the problem doubles with every addition of input ''n.''
'''Logarithmic Time Complexity''' <math>O(log n)</math>''''':''''' computation time for the problem is proportional to the logarithm of input size ''n.''

== Numerical Example ==
== Numerical Example ==
Complexity is defined based on the number of steps involved. Below are few examples demonstrating complexity calculation by analysing the algorithm.
=== Example 1: Complexity calculation of a time function ===
Let, <math>f(n)=3n^2+2n+6</math>, where, <math>f(n)</math> represents the time it takes for an algorithm to solve the problem of size <math>n</math>.
Function <math>f(n)</math> is a sum of three terms <math>3n^2, 2n, 6</math>. The term with the highest growth rate is <math>3n^2</math>(product of coefficient <math>3</math> and <math>n^2</math>) and the growth does not depend on coefficient <math>3</math>. Thus omitting the coefficient, results in simplified term <math>n^2</math>.
Thus we can say that <math>f(n)=O(n^2)</math>
Above result can be verified using the formal definition: <math>f(n)=O(t(n))</math>, if <math>f(n)\leq c.t(n)</math>, for all <math>n\geq d</math>, where c and d are positive integers.
Let's consider a function <math>t(n)=n^2</math>, and <math>c=11</math>, <math>d=1</math>
Then, <math>3n^2+2n+6\leq 11.n^2</math>, for all <math>n\geq 1</math>
=== Example 2: Complexity calculation for sorting algorithm ===
Let’s consider an array in descending order (6,4,3,1). We will use different sorting methods and compute the complexity for each algorithm. Since the array is in descending order, it will be the worst-case for the algorithms in terms of number of operations or time. Based on the number of operations performed or the time taken by each algorithm, we can calculate the worst-case complexity and determine the best suited algorithm for this sorting.
===== Bubble Sort Complexity Analysis =====
Bubble sort starts at the beginning of the array, compares each adjacent pair, and swaps their position if they are not in order. The algorithm stops when there is no more swap required during the pass, indicating that the array is now sorted. For the array (6,4,3,1), below operations will take place.
First Pass,
('''6 4''' 3 1) → ('''4 6''' 3 1), here 6 and 4 were swapped
(4 '''6 3''' 1) → (4 '''3 6''' 1), here 6 and 3 were swapped
(4 3 '''6 1''') → (4 3 '''1 6'''), here 6 and 1 were swapped
Second Pass,
('''4 3''' 1 6) → ('''3 4''' 1 6), here 4 and 3 swapped
(3 '''4 1''' 6) → (3 '''1 4''' 6), here 4 and 1 swapped
(3 1 '''4 6''') → (3 1 '''4 6'''), no swapping as 4 and 6 are already in the correct order
Third Pass,
('''3 1''' 4 6) → ('''1 3''' 4 6), here 1 and 3 swapped
(1 '''3 4''' 6) → (1 '''3 4''' 6), no swapping as 2 and 4 are in correct order
(1 3 '''4 6''') → (1 3 '''4 6'''), no swapping as 4 and 6 are in correct order
Fourth Pass,
('''1 3''' '''4 6''') → ('''1 3''' 4 6), no swapping as 1 and 3 are in correct order
(1 '''3 4''' 6) → (1 '''3 4''' 6), no swapping as 3 and 4 are in correct order
(1 3 '''4 6''') → (1 3 '''4 6'''), no swapping as 4 and 6 are in correct order
Even though the array was already sorted after third pass, the stopping condition of no swaps during the pass was not met. Hence the algorithm made the fourth pass through all the array elements, comparing the adjacent pairs. Since, no swaps were made during fourth pass, algorithm stopped.
Summarizing the operations performed by the algorithm for the array size of 4, during each pass;
* First Pass    : 3 comparisons; 3 swaps
* Second Pass: 3 comparisons; 2 swaps
* Third Pass    : 3 comparisons; 1 swap
* Fourth Pass  : 3 comparisons; 0 swap
By generalising above scenario and considering ''n'' as the input size, we can compute the complexity for Bubble Sort;
* Number of passes required to sort the array: <math>n-1</math>
* Number of swaps in each pass: <math>(n-1),(n-2),...,2,1</math>
* Using formula for sum of <math>(n-1)</math> natural numbers, we get total swaps = <math>(n-1)*((n-1)+1)/2 = n*(n-1)/2 = n^2/2 - n/2</math>
* Omitting the lower terms and coefficients of the highest growth term <math>n^2/2</math>, we get worst time complexity of <math>O(n^2)</math>
===== Merge Sort Complexity Analysis =====
Merge sort divides the unsorted list in n sub-lists, each sub-list contains one element and is considered sorted. Then it repeatedly merges the sub-lists to produce new sorted sub-lists until there is only one sub-list remaining. This last sub-list will be the sorted array. Sorting of the array (6,4,3,1) will be as per the diagram below
[[File:Merge Sort of Array.png|thumb|Merge Sort]]
Summarizing the operations performed by the algorithm for an array of size 4
* Number of splits to reach level 3 where each sub-list contains single element: 3
* Number of merges to reach the final sorted list: 3
* Number of comparisons made: 2 comparisons at first merging level, 3 comparisons at second merging level
By generalising above scenario and considering n as the input size, we can compute the complexity for merge sort;
* Number of splits to reach level ''k'' where each sub-list contains single element is (<math>n-1</math>)
* Number of merges required from level ''k'' to reach final sorted list is (<math>n-1</math>)
* Assuming <math>(n-1)\approx n</math>, when <math>n</math> is very large
* Number of comparisons made at each level is <math>n</math>
* Number of levels, <math>k=log_2 n</math> (as <math>n=2^k</math>)
* Therefore, total computation performed is equal to summation of total number of splits and total number of merges with comparisons
* Total computations are <math>(n-1)+n.log_2 n</math>
* Omitting the lower growth terms, we get worst case complexity of <math>O(n.log_2 n)</math>
===== Complexity Comparison =====
Complexity for Bubble sort is <math>O(n^2)</math>,
Complexity of Merge sort is <math>O(n.log_2 n)</math>,
Since, <math>O(n.log_2 n)</math> < <math>O(n^2)</math>, Merge Sort is more efficient algorithm for sorting this array.

== Applications ==
== Applications ==
Computational complexity helps developers to determine the most efficient algorithm that consumes least number of resources (time and space). It is widely used in various fields. Some of the major application areas are discussed below.
==== Computer science and algorithm efficiency analysis ====
It helps in designing efficient algorithms and aids in software/hardware selection. It enables comparison of multiple algorithms that can be used for solving a specific problem. Computational complexity helps in optimizing database queries and information retrieval processes.
==== Quantum Computing ====
Quantum computing is majorly used for cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, data management, data analytics and optimization. With the help of quantum complexity theory, quantum algorithms can be made exponentially efficient compared to classical algorithms. This enables businesses to solve problems which cannot be solved by conventional computing devices.
==== Game Theory<ref>T. Roughgarden, “Complexity Theory, Game Theory, and Economics: The Barbados Lectures,” ''Foundations and Trends® in Theoretical Computer Science,'' vol. 14, pp. 222-407, 2020.</ref> ====
Game theory deals with optimal decision making in any strategic setting. It is extensively used for analysing customer behaviour, market trend, develop effective business strategies, competitive product pricing etc. Computational complexity helps in defining the most efficient algorithm for approaching the game and to come up with best outcome while considering all the possible variations.
==== Healthcare system<ref>Thomas G. Kannampallil, Guido F. Schauer, Trevor Cohen, Vimla L. Patel, “Considering complexity in healthcare systems,” ''Journal of Biomedical Informatics,'' vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 943-947, 2011.</ref> ====
Various aspects of healthcare system such as patient management, continuity of patient care, nursing etc requires efficient decision-making processes. These complex tasks are broken down into fairly smaller and manageable tasks using computational models while giving due consideration to interrelatedness of systems.

== Conclusion ==
== Conclusion ==
Computational complexity has important implications in the field of computer science and far reaching applications that span numerous fields and industries. As computable problems become more complex the ability to increase the efficiency in which they are solved becomes more important. Advancements toward solving P vs NP will have far reaching impacts on how we approach the computability of problems and the ability to efficiently allocate resources.
Computational complexity provides a framework for analysing, comparing and selecting the most efficient algorithm and also enables the selection of best suited hardware and software combination. The algorithms or problems are categorised in classes P, NP, NP-Complete, NP-Hard and the worst-case complexity is represented using Big-O notation. Computational complexity has been evolving continuously for past few decades and remains a major area of study. Computational complexity is extensively used in the field of game theory, quantum mechanics, health system where the number of computations are huge and cannot be solved using conventional methods.

== Sources ==
== Sources ==
<references responsive="0" />
# [ A. Cobham, The intrinsic computational difficulty of functions], in Y. Bar-Hillel, ed., Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the 1964 International Congress, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1965, pp. 24-30
# Arora, S., & Barak, B. (2009). ''Computational complexity: a modern approach.'' Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from
# Du, D., & Ko, K.-I. (2014). ''Theory of computational complexity.'' (Second edition.). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. Retrieved from

Latest revision as of 00:56, 16 December 2024

Authors: Sarang Harshey (sh2669) (SysEn 5800 Fall 2024)

Stewards: Nathan Preuss, Wei-Han Chen, Tianqi Xiao, Guoqing Hu


Computational complexity is a study of resources, especially time and space, required to solve a computational problem. It provides an understanding of how the resource requirement scales-up as the problem gets bigger and bigger. Another objective is to know which problems are solvable using algorithms and which problems are truly difficult and practically impossible to solve.

Complexity Classes

Problems can be grouped into sets that share a common property and require similar amount of computational resources. These sets or groups are known as Complexity Classes. Some basic types of complexity classes are mentioned below.

P (Polynomial Time) Class

If a problem can be solved in polynomial time, then it is considered as a Class P problem. Problems in this class are efficiently solvable, however, the time required to solve grows polynomially with the size of input.[1][2] Linear programming problems are considered under P class.

NP (Non-deterministic Polynomial Time) Class

If the solution of a problem can be verified in polynomial time, then the problem is considered as a Class NP problem. These problems require a solution that can be verified, but finding a solution itself may take more than polynomial time.[1][2]

NP-Hard Class

NP-Hard problems may or may not fall under NP Class. A problem H is NP-Hard if for every problem L in NP, there exists a polynomial time reduction from L to H.[1][2] These are usually optimization problems.

NP-Complete Class

NP-Complete problems are a subset of NP class. If all the problems in a NP can be reduced to problem H in polynomial time, then problem H is considered as NP-Complete.[1][2] NP Complete problems are the hardest problems to solve. These are usually decision problems.


The history of computational complexity can be traced back to the paper, On computable numbers with an application to the Entsheidungs problem[3], published in 1936 by A M Turing. In this paper, Turing introduced his famous Turing Machine and provided a convincing formalization of computable function. In following years, once the theory was established to determine which problem can and cannot be solved, questions regarding relative computational difficulty came up.[4] This can be considered as the birth of computational complexity. Rabin M O in his paper, Degree of difficulty of computing a function and partial ordering or recursive sets[5], in 1960 made an attempt to measure the amount of work inherent in computing a function along with defining the degree of difficulty of computing a function. Another influential paper that was published in 1965 by Hartmanis and Stearns, On the computational complexity of algorithms[6], discussed the method of categorizing problems according to how hard they are to compute. As part of this paper, a variety of theorems were established. It also provided a way to classify functions or recognition problems according to their computational complexity and laid out definitions of time complexity and space complexity. Paper by Alan Cobham in 1965, The intrinsic computational difficulty of functions[7], discussed the relative difficulty between addition and multiplication and characterised an important class of functions computable in time bounded by a polynomial in the length of input. These papers from Cobhem, Hartemanis and Rabin can be considered as the foundation for the field of computational complexity. Manuel Blum in 1967, formulated axioms known as Blum Axioms, that specify desirable properties of complexity measures on the set of computation function. Field of computational complexity started to grow from 1971 onwards, with studies from Steven Cook, Leonid Levin and Richard Karp which expanded the study of problems belonging to class NP-Complete.

Need for Computational Complexity

Computational complexity provides a method to analyse an algorithm in terms of complexity and provides information on the performance that can be expected. In a complex algorithm, through computational complexity, costliest steps (in terms of space and time) can be identified and efforts can be made for improving efficiency by tuning these steps before implementation.  It also helps in selecting the best algorithms and eliminate inefficient algorithms.

Algorithm Discussion

Complexity of an algorithm can be calculated by establishing a relationship between the length of the input and the number of steps (time complexity) or amount of space that algorithm takes (space complexity) to compute the problem. This relationship is usually represented as a function. The smaller the value of this function, the higher the efficiency of the algorithm. Function value also indicates the growth rate with respect to size of the input.

Asymptotic Notations

Mathematical notations, usually known as Asymptotic Notations, are used to describe the complexity of any algorithm. There are broadly three notations used to describe complexity, namely – Big-O (O - Notation), Big-Theta (Θ - Notation) and Big-Omega (Ω - Notation).

Big-O Notation

O - notation represents the upper bound or the worst case, i.e. maximum time (or space) required for an algorithm. For functions f and t,


if for all , where c and d are positive integers[8][9]

Big-Omega Notation

Ω - notation represents lower bound or the best case, i.e. minimum time (or space) required for an algorithm. For functions, f and t,


if for all , where c and d are positive integers[8][9]

Big-Theta Notation

Θ - notation represents average-case as it gives both upper and lower bounds of the algorithm. For functions, f and t,


if for all , where c1, c2 and d are positive integers[8][9]

Common Big-O Notations

Big-O (O-notation) is commonly used to describe the complexity of algorithms, as it provides the worst-case estimate. It considers only the number of steps involved for the problem resolution and not the hardware configuration that’s being used. Some of the common complexities are mentioned below.

Constant Time Complexity : computation time for the problem is independent of size of the input data.

Linear Time Complexity : computation time for the problem is proportional to the size of the input n and increase linearly.

Polynomial Time Complexity : computation time for the problem is polynomial times of size of the input n where c is a constant depending on the problem.

Exponential Time Complexity : computation time for the problem doubles with every addition of input n.

Logarithmic Time Complexity : computation time for the problem is proportional to the logarithm of input size n.

Numerical Example

Complexity is defined based on the number of steps involved. Below are few examples demonstrating complexity calculation by analysing the algorithm.

Example 1: Complexity calculation of a time function

Let, , where, represents the time it takes for an algorithm to solve the problem of size .

Function is a sum of three terms . The term with the highest growth rate is (product of coefficient and ) and the growth does not depend on coefficient . Thus omitting the coefficient, results in simplified term .

Thus we can say that

Above result can be verified using the formal definition: , if , for all , where c and d are positive integers.

Let's consider a function , and ,

Then, , for all

Example 2: Complexity calculation for sorting algorithm

Let’s consider an array in descending order (6,4,3,1). We will use different sorting methods and compute the complexity for each algorithm. Since the array is in descending order, it will be the worst-case for the algorithms in terms of number of operations or time. Based on the number of operations performed or the time taken by each algorithm, we can calculate the worst-case complexity and determine the best suited algorithm for this sorting.

Bubble Sort Complexity Analysis

Bubble sort starts at the beginning of the array, compares each adjacent pair, and swaps their position if they are not in order. The algorithm stops when there is no more swap required during the pass, indicating that the array is now sorted. For the array (6,4,3,1), below operations will take place.

First Pass,

(6 4 3 1) → (4 6 3 1), here 6 and 4 were swapped

(4 6 3 1) → (4 3 6 1), here 6 and 3 were swapped

(4 3 6 1) → (4 3 1 6), here 6 and 1 were swapped

Second Pass,

(4 3 1 6) → (3 4 1 6), here 4 and 3 swapped

(3 4 1 6) → (3 1 4 6), here 4 and 1 swapped

(3 1 4 6) → (3 1 4 6), no swapping as 4 and 6 are already in the correct order

Third Pass,

(3 1 4 6) → (1 3 4 6), here 1 and 3 swapped

(1 3 4 6) → (1 3 4 6), no swapping as 2 and 4 are in correct order

(1 3 4 6) → (1 3 4 6), no swapping as 4 and 6 are in correct order

Fourth Pass,

(1 3 4 6) → (1 3 4 6), no swapping as 1 and 3 are in correct order

(1 3 4 6) → (1 3 4 6), no swapping as 3 and 4 are in correct order

(1 3 4 6) → (1 3 4 6), no swapping as 4 and 6 are in correct order

Even though the array was already sorted after third pass, the stopping condition of no swaps during the pass was not met. Hence the algorithm made the fourth pass through all the array elements, comparing the adjacent pairs. Since, no swaps were made during fourth pass, algorithm stopped.

Summarizing the operations performed by the algorithm for the array size of 4, during each pass;

  • First Pass  : 3 comparisons; 3 swaps
  • Second Pass: 3 comparisons; 2 swaps
  • Third Pass  : 3 comparisons; 1 swap
  • Fourth Pass  : 3 comparisons; 0 swap

By generalising above scenario and considering n as the input size, we can compute the complexity for Bubble Sort;

  • Number of passes required to sort the array:
  • Number of swaps in each pass:
  • Using formula for sum of natural numbers, we get total swaps =
  • Omitting the lower terms and coefficients of the highest growth term , we get worst time complexity of
Merge Sort Complexity Analysis

Merge sort divides the unsorted list in n sub-lists, each sub-list contains one element and is considered sorted. Then it repeatedly merges the sub-lists to produce new sorted sub-lists until there is only one sub-list remaining. This last sub-list will be the sorted array. Sorting of the array (6,4,3,1) will be as per the diagram below

Merge Sort

Summarizing the operations performed by the algorithm for an array of size 4

  • Number of splits to reach level 3 where each sub-list contains single element: 3
  • Number of merges to reach the final sorted list: 3
  • Number of comparisons made: 2 comparisons at first merging level, 3 comparisons at second merging level

By generalising above scenario and considering n as the input size, we can compute the complexity for merge sort;

  • Number of splits to reach level k where each sub-list contains single element is ()
  • Number of merges required from level k to reach final sorted list is ()
  • Assuming , when is very large
  • Number of comparisons made at each level is
  • Number of levels, (as )
  • Therefore, total computation performed is equal to summation of total number of splits and total number of merges with comparisons
  • Total computations are
  • Omitting the lower growth terms, we get worst case complexity of
Complexity Comparison

Complexity for Bubble sort is ,

Complexity of Merge sort is ,

Since, < , Merge Sort is more efficient algorithm for sorting this array.


Computational complexity helps developers to determine the most efficient algorithm that consumes least number of resources (time and space). It is widely used in various fields. Some of the major application areas are discussed below.

Computer science and algorithm efficiency analysis

It helps in designing efficient algorithms and aids in software/hardware selection. It enables comparison of multiple algorithms that can be used for solving a specific problem. Computational complexity helps in optimizing database queries and information retrieval processes.

Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is majorly used for cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, data management, data analytics and optimization. With the help of quantum complexity theory, quantum algorithms can be made exponentially efficient compared to classical algorithms. This enables businesses to solve problems which cannot be solved by conventional computing devices.

Game Theory[10]

Game theory deals with optimal decision making in any strategic setting. It is extensively used for analysing customer behaviour, market trend, develop effective business strategies, competitive product pricing etc. Computational complexity helps in defining the most efficient algorithm for approaching the game and to come up with best outcome while considering all the possible variations.

Healthcare system[11]

Various aspects of healthcare system such as patient management, continuity of patient care, nursing etc requires efficient decision-making processes. These complex tasks are broken down into fairly smaller and manageable tasks using computational models while giving due consideration to interrelatedness of systems.


Computational complexity provides a framework for analysing, comparing and selecting the most efficient algorithm and also enables the selection of best suited hardware and software combination. The algorithms or problems are categorised in classes P, NP, NP-Complete, NP-Hard and the worst-case complexity is represented using Big-O notation. Computational complexity has been evolving continuously for past few decades and remains a major area of study. Computational complexity is extensively used in the field of game theory, quantum mechanics, health system where the number of computations are huge and cannot be solved using conventional methods.


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