Outer-approximation (OA)

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Author: Yousef Aloufi (CHEME 6800 Fall 2021)



The Outer-Approximation algorithm was first proposed by Duran and and Grossmann in 1986 to solve MINLP problems.[1] The OA defines the master problem as equivalent In the OA method the optimal solution of he subproblems is used to define a MILP master problem


Numerical Example

The following is a step-by-step solution for an MINLP optimization problem using Outer-Approximation method:[2]

Subject to
Step 1a: Start from and solve the NLP below:
Subject to
Solution: , Upper Bound = 7

Step 1b: Solve the MILP master problem with OA for  :


Subject to

MILP Solution: , Lower Bound = 6
Lower Bound < Upper Bound, Integer cut:

Step 2a: Start from and solve the NLP below:

Subject to
Solution: , Upper Bound = 6
Upper Bound = 6 = Lower Bound, Optimum!
Optimal Solution for the MINLP:

GAMS Model

The above MINLP example can be expressed in the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) as follows:

Variable z;
Positive Variables x1, x2;
Binary Variables y1, y2;
Equations obj, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7;
obj.. z =e= y1 + y2 + sqr(x1) + sqr(x2);
c1.. sqr(x1 - 2) - x2 =l= 0;
c2.. x1 - 2*y1 =g= 0;
c3.. x1 - x2 - 3*sqr(1 - y1) =g= 0;
c4.. x1 + y1 - 1 =g= 0;
c5.. x2 - y2 =g= 0;
c6.. x1 + x2 =g= 3*y1;
c7.. y1 + y2 =g= 1;
x1.lo = 0; x1.up = 4;
x2.lo = 0; x2.up = 4;
model Example /all/;
option minlp = bonmin;
option optcr = 0;
solve Example minimizing z using minlp;
display z.l, x1.l, x2.l, y1.l, y2.l;




  1. Duran MA, Grossmann I (1986) An outer-approximation algorithm for a class of mixed-integer nonlinear programs. Math. Programming 36(3):307–339.
  2. You, F. (2021). Lecture on Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP). Archives for CHEME 6800 Computational Optimization (2021FA), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.