Exponential transformation
Author: Daphne Duvivier (dld237), Daniela Gil (dsg254), Jacqueline Jackson (jkj49), Sinclaire Mills (sm2795), Vanessa Nobre (vmn28) Fall 2021
Exponential transformations are used for convexification of geometric programming constraints (posynominal) nonconvex optimization problems.
Geometric Programming
Theory & Methodology
Exponential transformation begins with a posynominal noncovex function of the form [1] :
where and
A transformation of is applied reference https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1023/A:1021708412776.pdf
The transformed function is presented as:
Numerical Example
Reformulating to exponents: Failed to parse (unknown function "\fract"): {\displaystyle {x_1^3}*{x_2^-4} + {x_1^2} + {x_2^(\fract{2}{3}}}}
Exponential transformation can be used for convexification of any Geometric NLP or MINLP that meet the criteria of equation (1). This is done by turning the problem into a nonlinear convex optimization problem through exponential transformation.
Example of Convexification application
Proof of convexity with positive definite test of Hessian
pROOF THAT CHANGING IT DOESNT CHANGE THE BOUNDS OF THE PROBLEM https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1023/A:1021708412776.pdf
Electrical Engineering Application: http://home.eng.iastate.edu/~cnchu/pubs/j08.pdf
Quadratic Geometric Programming
Ecconomics: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/BF02591746.pdf
Exponential transformation is a powerful method to convexify Geometric NLP/MINLP to simplify the solution approach.