Author: Ngoc Ly (SysEn 5800 Fall 2021)
Compressed Sensing (CS)
Compressed Sensing summary here
often not really sparse but approximately sparse
for i
s a Random Gaussian or Bernoulli matrix
are the observed y samples
noise vector
k e k 2 ≤ η
How can we reconstruct x from
The goal is to reconstruct
Sensing matrix
must satisfy RIP i.e. Random Gaussian or Bernoulli matrixies satisfies (cite)
be an index set
enumerates the columns of
is an under determined systems with infinite solutions. Why
norm does not work
What is compression is synonymous with to the sparsity.
The problem formulation is to recover sparse data
The support of
we say
sparse when
We are interested in the smallest
, i.e.
Before we get into RIP lets talk about RIC
Restricted Isometry Constant (RIC) is the smallest
that satisfies the RIP condition introduced by Candes, Tao
Random Gaussian and Bernoulli satisfies RIP
satisfy RIP, Let
be an index set For
is a restriction on
denoted by
s.t. RIP is satisfied the
where the columns of
is indexed by
In search for a unique solution we have the following
optimization problem.
, which is an NP-Hard.
From Results of Candes, Romberg, Tao, and Donoho
satisfies RIP and
is sparse the
has a unique solution. The equivalent
convex program to the
x i , i f i ∈ S
( x | S ) i =
0 otherwise
RIP defined as
( 1 − δ s )k x k 22 ≤ k Φx k 22 ≤ ( 1 + δ s )k x k 22
3 Lemmas Page 267 Blumensath Davies IHT for CS
Lemma 1(Blumensath, Davis 2009 Iterative hard thresholding for compressed
sensing), For all index sets Γ and all Φ for which RIP holds with s = | Γ | that is
s = supp ( x )
1k Φ Γ T k 2 ≤
1 + δ | Γ | k y k 2
( 1 − δ | Γ | )k x Γ k 22 ≤ k Φ Γ T Φ Γ x Γ k 22 ≤ ( 1 + δ | Γ | )k x Γ k 22
k( I − Φ Γ T Φ Γ )k 2 ≤ δ | Γ | k x Γ k 2
SupposeΓ ∩ Λ = ∅
k Φ Γ T Φ Λ ) x Λ k 2 ≤ δ s k x Λ k 2
Lemma 2 (Needell Tropp, Prop 3.5 in CoSaMP: Iterative signal recovery
from incomplete and inaccurate √ samples)
If Φ satisfies RIP k Φx s k 2 ≤ 1 + δ s k x s k 2 , ∀ x s : k x s k 0 ≤ s, Then ∀ x
k Φx k 2 ≤
1 + δ s k x k 2 +
1 + δ s
k x k 1
Lemma 3 (Needell Tropp, Prop 3.5 in CoSaMP: Iterative signal recovery
from incomplete and inaccurate samples)
Let x s be the best s-term approximation to x. Let x r = x − x s Let
y = Φx + e = Φx s + Φx r + e = Φx s + ẽ
If Φ satisfies RIP for sparsity s, then the norm of error ẽ is bounded by
k ẽ k 2 ≤
1 + δ s k x − x s k 2 +
1 + δ s
k x − x s k 1
+ k e k 2
∀ x
Gel’fend n-width
Errors E ( S, Φ, D )
Definition Mutual Coherence
, the mutual coherence
is defined by:</math>
We want a small µ A because it will be close ot the normal matrix, which
Define the threashholding operators as:
selects the best-k term approximation for some k
will satisfies RIP
Algorithm IHT
- Initialize

- output

- Set

- While halting criterion false do
![{\displaystyle x^{(n+1)}\leftarrow {\mathcal {H}}_{{\mathfrak {M}}\left[x^{(n)+\Phi ^{T}(\mathbf {y} -\mathbf {\Phi x} ^{(n)})}\right]}}](

- end while
- return:

Numerical Example
Iterative Hard Thresholding IHT
Check if
satisfies RIP with mutual coherence.