Exponential transformation

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Example of Convexification in MINLP

The following MINLP problem can take a Covexification approach using exponential transformation:



Using the exponential transformation to continuous variables by substituting described the problem becomes the following:

With additional logarithmic simplification through properties of natural logarithm:



Where is unbounded due to logarithmic of 0 being indefinite.

The transformed objective function can be show to be convex through the positive-definite test of the Hessian, for the example above the Hessian is as follows [1]:

In order to prove the convexity of the transformed functions the positive definite test of Hessian is used as defined in "Optimization of Chemical Processes" [2] can be used. This tests the Hessian defined as:

to test that


for all

for functions the Hessian is defined as:

In the example above the hessian is defined as:

Therefore H(x) is positive-definite and strictly convex.

  1. Chiang, Mung. (2005). Geometric Programming for Communication Systems. 10.1561/9781933019574; https://www.princeton.edu/~chiangm/gp.pdf
  2. T.F. Edgar, D.M. Himmelblau, L.S. Lasdon, Optimization of Chemical Processes. McGraw-Hill, 2001.