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== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==

Algorithms have many purposes in the world of optimization, from Gradient Descent to Belman-Ford, algorithms have been used widely in the world of optimization. Hoping to create better pathing for their new robot, the Shakey project of DARPA created the A-star (A*) algorithm a shortest path algorithm that uses heuristics as part of the algorithm to navigate a terrain. Since then, A* has many modern applications in computer science. A common modern application is the optimal travel path between two locations based on travel time or distance. Optimal path traveled is increasingly important throughout society  
Algorithms have many purposes in the world of optimization, from Gradient Descent to Belman-Ford, algorithms have been used widely in the world of optimization. Hoping to create better pathing for their new robot, the Shakey project of DARPA created the A-star (A*) a shortest path algorithm that uses heuristics to navigate a terrain. Since then, A* has many modern applications in computer science one of which  is the optimal travel path between two locations based on travel time or distance. Optimal path traveled is increasingly important throughout society.

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== Theory, Methodology, and Algorithmic Discussions ==
== Theory, Methodology, and Algorithmic Discussions ==
From its start as a path finding algorithm for a robot, A* Algorithm has grown to be a staple in modern optimization of shortest path algorithms. A* was built originally as a greed algorithm finding an initial solution and improving upon it while remaining in the created bounded space. According to Integer programming by Laurence Wolsey "The idea of a greedy heuristic is to construct a solution from scratch (the empty set. choosing at each step the item bringing the "best" immediate reward" <ref name="Linear-Programming"> L.A. Wolsey, Integer Programming. Wiley, 1998. </ref>. This holds true for the ship travel example of the “Research on Ship Meteorological Route Based on A-Star Algorithm” study where an empty set was initialized and a greedy algorithm was first found based on a shortest distance heuristic from the goal. The solution was then improved upon through recursion or a feasible solution is not found. The heuristic is the other part of A* algorithm derived from a greedy search with a proper heuristic properly defining the cost between the nodes. According to Integer Programming "Greedy heuristic have to be adapted to the particular structure. For ]shortest-path problems] there are several possible greedy heuristics that choose edge one after another until a tour is obtained." <ref name="Linear-Programming"> L.A. Wolsey, Integer Programming. Wiley, 1998. </ref>. This use of a heuristic can be seen in A Comparative Study of A-Star Algorithms for Search and Rescue in Perfect Maze where a path is found through a heuristic determined by distance of node from the goal.

From its start as a path finding algorithm for a robot, A* Algorithm has grown to be a staple in modern optimization of shortest path algorithms. An early study of the algorithm was done in Beijing University of Technology in 2011 where the algorithm was used to track the fastest path through a maze. Three A* Algorithms were used with different heuristics based on distance from start and end, difference from farthest point (where the last decision was made) and angle from current position to the goal. On all occasions at least one of the A* Algorithms out performed a depth search with the second heuristic performing the best <ref>Liu, Xiang, and Gong, Daoxiong. “A Comparative Study of A-Star Algorithms for Search and Rescue in Perfect Maze.” 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, 2011, https://doi.org/10.1109/iceice.2011.5777723.</ref>. Through this early experiment the strength of the A* Algorithm is truly shown, allowing for multiple heuristics to adjust the algorithm to the needs of the problem.

The following pseudocode mathematically illustrates the capabilities of the algorithm:
open_list = empty list of possible positions <br />
closed_list = empty list of possible positions  <br />
push start_position to open_list  <br />
while open_list is not empty
: for each adjacent position
:: current

A modern example of the A* Algorithm can be found from the Chengdu University of Information and Technology and their study of the A* Algorithm’s viability in tracking meteorological paths for ships. Whether it be the accident in the Suez Canal or the current supply chain issues in the world, ship travel is a key issue in need of optimization. The study accounts for “All hydrological and meteorological conditions are considered in the route planning before and after the voyage.” and “Navigation safety is the prerequisite for route planning, and weather navigation can plan different routes for ships with different sailing goals”. A spatial model of the path is then made and used as the grounds on which the algorithm will travel. An A* Algorithm was then used and compared to other tools such as Dijkstra’s and BFS algorithms. Again a heuristic was used in simple situations (ones with no obstacles) to calculate the cost of moving from current node to the target. In more complicated cases (where weather obstacles were introduced) a heuristic based on Dijkstra algorithm is used “ according to the 0020 position of the target point relative to the starting point, the algorithm’s search direction at each node is restricted. Taking a square grid map with 8 search directions as an example, after the preprocessing of the global route planning”. This improvement of A* Algorithm for ship tracking decreased the number of nodes searched by nearly 30%.<ref>Chen, Ge, et al. “Research on Ship Meteorological Route Based on A-Star Algorithm.” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2021, 2021, pp. 1–8., https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/9989731</ref>.


A* Algorithm is a strong tool in use of optimization and AI machine learning. The algorithm is strong as heuristics can be used to further optimize the problem without changing the basis of the code structure. Additionally the algorithm, if possible, will always find the optimal solution with a proper, admissible heuristic. While A* Algorithm has many proponents in its adaptability to the situation and reliability, it has one large drawback: its memory, usage and processing power. If a heuristic is implemented improperly the algorithms speed and completion will be hindered. In conclusion, A* is a powerful catch all solution that builds on its predecessors to develop a reliable optimal path algorithm.
An early study of the algorithm was done in Beijing University of Technology in 2011 where the algorithm was used to track the fastest path through a maze. Three A* Algorithms were used with different heuristics based on Euclidian distance, Euclidian distance from start and from base of current path and angle from current position to the goal shown in variations of the standard A* Algorithm:

Many discussions exist revolving the best use of the A* Algorithm and also where it is most highly utilized. One of them being the game industry, mainly used to find the shortest path. There is a plethora of shortest path algorithms but A* is one of the preferred methods.[4] A* Algorithm is an implementation of heuristic search, a process that will give an estimation value from current node to goal node. This implementation will always find the smallest value from <math>f(n) = g(n) + h(n)</math>  where <math>n</math> is a node, <math>g(n)</math> is the distance from starting node to <math>n</math> node, and <math>h(n)</math> is a heuristic value of estimation distance from node n to finish node.<ref>P. O. N. Saian, Suyoto and Pranowo, "Optimized A-Star algorithm in hexagon-based environment using parallel bidirectional search," 2016 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), pp. 1-5, 2016, https://doi.org/10.1109/ICITEED.2016.7863246.</ref> One of the methods of using the A* Algorithm in the gaming industry is when creating automated movement for non-playable characters, the challenge being that they need to move in a realistic way. The combination of using a hexagon based environment versus a grid based environment is one of the discussions seen today.
<math>f(n) = g(n) + h(n) </math>
Variation 1: <math> n </math> is the position, <math> g(n) </math> is the cost from the start point to the current position and <math> h(n) </math> is the Euclidian distance to the target
Variation 2: <math>  </math> is the position, <math> g(n) </math> is the cost from the start point to the current position and <math> h(n) </math> is the Euclidian distance to the target point and the Euclidian distance to the parent point of this branch
Variation 3: <math> h(n) = w1*l/L + w2*\theta/\alpha </math> where <math> w </math> is a weight, <math> l/L </math> is the Euclidian distance,  <math> \theta </math> is the angle from the starting point to the current position and <math> \alpha </math> is the angle from the ending point to the current position <ref name="early">Liu, Xiang, and Gong, Daoxiong. “A Comparative Study of A-Star Algorithms for Search and Rescue in Perfect Maze.” 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, 2011, https://doi.org/10.1109/iceice.2011.5777723.</ref>
On all occasions at least one of the A* Algorithms out performed a depth search with the second heuristic performing the best "generally, in unknown maze, while only proximate location of target point is known, A∗ algorithm is better than depth-first search algorithm in searching, however when the heuristic functions are different, searching results are also different." <ref name="early">Liu, Xiang, and Gong, Daoxiong. “A Comparative Study of A-Star Algorithms for Search and Rescue in Perfect Maze.” 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, 2011, https://doi.org/10.1109/iceice.2011.5777723.</ref>
Many discussions exist revolving the best use of the A* Algorithm and also where it is most highly utilized. One of them being the game industry, mainly used to find the shortest path. There is a plethora of shortest path algorithms but A* is one of the preferred methods.[4] A* Algorithm is an implementation of heuristic search, a process that will give an estimation value from current node to goal node. This implementation will always find the smallest value optimal path using:
<math>f(n) = g(n) + h(n)</math>   
where <math>n</math> is a node, <math>g(n)</math> is the distance from starting node to <math>n</math> node, and  
<math>h(n)</math> is a heuristic value of estimation distance from node n to finish node.<ref>P. O. N. Saian, Suyoto and Pranowo, "Optimized A-Star algorithm in hexagon-based environment using parallel bidirectional search," 2016 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), pp. 1-5, 2016, https://doi.org/10.1109/ICITEED.2016.7863246.</ref>  
One of the methods of using the A* Algorithm in the gaming industry is when creating automated movement for non-playable characters, the challenge being that they need to move in a realistic way. The combination of using a hexagon based environment versus a grid based environment is one of the discussions seen today.

== Numerical Example ==
== Numerical Example ==
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== References ==
== References ==
3. C. Wang et al., "Path planning of automated guided vehicles based on improved A-Star algorithm," 2015 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, pp.2071-2076, 2015, https://doi.org/10.1109/ICInfA.2015.7279630.

Revision as of 05:18, 15 December 2021

Authors: Andrés E. Blanco, Ariel Barboza, Grace Soto, Idan Mika, Lauren Moore [SYSEN 5800, Fall 2021]


Algorithms have many purposes in the world of optimization, from Gradient Descent to Belman-Ford, algorithms have been used widely in the world of optimization. Hoping to create better pathing for their new robot, the Shakey project of DARPA created the A-star (A*) a shortest path algorithm that uses heuristics to navigate a terrain. Since then, A* has many modern applications in computer science one of which is the optimal travel path between two locations based on travel time or distance. Optimal path traveled is increasingly important throughout society.

Today more than ever Americans see the importance of the transportation infrastructure. Whether it is the supply chain pipeline or personal travel, transportation is a key part of everyday life. This is extenuated by the climate impacts of travel with the National Geographic society stating “Globally, transportation accounts for between 15 and 20 percent of emissions each year. Motor vehicles are the leading cause of air pollution in the United States, though other modes of travel, such as planes and cruise ships, create greater emissions per voyage per person.” (National Geographic Society) Air pollution, time spent traveling, cost of transportation and the safety associated with transportation impacts individuals every day. Reliable and fast transportation is especially important in the United States where access to transportation can be a barrier to economic and social success.

A* Algorithm can optimize this travel through finding the shortest, cheapest, and most efficient path between two points helping to lower the travel time of everyday travelers, more efficiently conduct cross country shipments and lower the emission production of cars as they travel. By creating a heuristic for and minimizing the travel distance, time and fuel usage while still resulting in a completed trip. This document will introduce the situation of an optimized trip from Cornell University to Harvard University using the A* Algorithm impacted by the travel distance, time and fuel usage parameters.

Theory, Methodology, and Algorithmic Discussions

From its start as a path finding algorithm for a robot, A* Algorithm has grown to be a staple in modern optimization of shortest path algorithms. A* was built originally as a greed algorithm finding an initial solution and improving upon it while remaining in the created bounded space. According to Integer programming by Laurence Wolsey "The idea of a greedy heuristic is to construct a solution from scratch (the empty set. choosing at each step the item bringing the "best" immediate reward" [1]. This holds true for the ship travel example of the “Research on Ship Meteorological Route Based on A-Star Algorithm” study where an empty set was initialized and a greedy algorithm was first found based on a shortest distance heuristic from the goal. The solution was then improved upon through recursion or a feasible solution is not found. The heuristic is the other part of A* algorithm derived from a greedy search with a proper heuristic properly defining the cost between the nodes. According to Integer Programming "Greedy heuristic have to be adapted to the particular structure. For ]shortest-path problems] there are several possible greedy heuristics that choose edge one after another until a tour is obtained." [1]. This use of a heuristic can be seen in A Comparative Study of A-Star Algorithms for Search and Rescue in Perfect Maze where a path is found through a heuristic determined by distance of node from the goal.

open_list = empty list of possible positions
closed_list = empty list of possible positions
push start_position to open_list
while open_list is not empty

for each adjacent position

An early study of the algorithm was done in Beijing University of Technology in 2011 where the algorithm was used to track the fastest path through a maze. Three A* Algorithms were used with different heuristics based on Euclidian distance, Euclidian distance from start and from base of current path and angle from current position to the goal shown in variations of the standard A* Algorithm:

Variation 1: is the position, is the cost from the start point to the current position and is the Euclidian distance to the target

Variation 2: is the position, is the cost from the start point to the current position and is the Euclidian distance to the target point and the Euclidian distance to the parent point of this branch

Variation 3: where is a weight, is the Euclidian distance, is the angle from the starting point to the current position and is the angle from the ending point to the current position [2]

On all occasions at least one of the A* Algorithms out performed a depth search with the second heuristic performing the best "generally, in unknown maze, while only proximate location of target point is known, A∗ algorithm is better than depth-first search algorithm in searching, however when the heuristic functions are different, searching results are also different." [2]

Many discussions exist revolving the best use of the A* Algorithm and also where it is most highly utilized. One of them being the game industry, mainly used to find the shortest path. There is a plethora of shortest path algorithms but A* is one of the preferred methods.[4] A* Algorithm is an implementation of heuristic search, a process that will give an estimation value from current node to goal node. This implementation will always find the smallest value optimal path using:

where is a node, is the distance from starting node to node, and

is a heuristic value of estimation distance from node n to finish node.[3]

One of the methods of using the A* Algorithm in the gaming industry is when creating automated movement for non-playable characters, the challenge being that they need to move in a realistic way. The combination of using a hexagon based environment versus a grid based environment is one of the discussions seen today.

Numerical Example

The A* Algorithm is a great approach for finding the lowest-cost path between two points. In the Figure 1, we are seeking to find the shortest distance between two nodes.

Figure 1. Representation of Mapped Locations

The above image is a representation of mapped locations. Each node is a location, and the lines between the nodes is the path between their respective nodes. The numbers on the paths are the distance between each node, g(n). The numbers next to each node represents the straight-line distance between their respective node and the objective node, h(n), and these shall be our heuristic value. Here, the objective is to find the shortest path between our starting node, Node A, and our objective node, Node K. Thus, the A* algorithm will be employed below, where f(n) is the objective function.

Below, steps are outlined for how the objective function is executed.

Starting from Node A, Node C or Node B can be chosen; by applying the A* Algorithm below, the best path can be chosen.

Step 1: For Node B, the heuristic value, , is 46.3, and it is added to the parameter, , which is 18.4.

Step 2: For Node C, the heuristic value, , is 40.8, and it is added to the parameter, , which is 12.7.

Step 3: Since yields the smaller value, this value is chosen as taking the path between Node A and Node C. This path is highlighted yellow in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Map Highlighting the Chosen Path from Node A to Node C

Now, the A* algorithm is employed to chose the next path from Node C. Here, Node D or Node H can be chosen.

Step 4: For Node D, the heuristic value, , is 52.7, and it is added to the sum of the parameters, , which is the sum of the path distance value from Nodes A to C, 12.7, with the path distance value from Nodes C to D, 14.4.

Step 5: For Node H, the heuristic value, , is 26.8, and it is added to the sum of the parameters, , which is the sum of the path distance value from Nodes A to C, 12.7, with the path distance value from Nodes C to H, 14.8.

Step 6: Since yields a smaller value, this value is chosen as taking the path between Nodes C to H. The path is highlighted yellow in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Map Highlighting the Chosen Path from Node A through Node H

Next step applies A* algorithm from Node H to either Nodes I or J.

Step 7: For Node I, the heuristic value, , is 12.4, and it is added to the sum of the parameters, , which is the sum of the path distance values from Nodes A to H, 12.7 and 14.8, respectively, with the path distance value from Nodes H to I, 11.3.

Step 8: For Node J, the heuristic value, , is 18.1, and it is added to the sum of the parameters, , which is the sum of the path distance values from Nodes A to H, 12.7 and 14.8, respectively, with the path distance value from Nodes H to J, 17.6.

Step 9: Since yields a smaller value, this value is chosen as taking the path from Nodes H to I. The path continues to be highlighted yellow in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Map Highlighting the Chosen Path from Node A through Node I

Next step applies A* algorithm from Node I to either Nodes G or K.

Step 10: For Node G, the heuristic value, , is 21.0, and it is added to the sum of the parameters, , which is the sum of the path distance values from Nodes A to I, 12.7, 14.8, and 11.3, respectively, with the path distance value from Nodes I to G, 15.5.

Step 11: For Node K, the heuristic value, , is 0.0, and it is added to the sum of the parameters, , which is the sum of the path distance values from Nodes A to I, 12.7, 14.8, and 11.3, respectively, with the path distance value from Nodes I to K, 12.4.

Since is the smaller value, and K is the objective Node, the A* Algorithm has found the shortest path between Nodes A and K. The path is highlighted in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Map Highlighting Shortest Path from Node A through Node K


Public Transportation in Cities

Optimal routes are essential in creating successful transportation systems. Transportation systems affect entire societies and their quality of life. Minimizing transportation time and distance, effectively reduces time spent traveling, traffic, risk of death or injury while traveling, air pollution and costs incurred from traveling. Transportation is also considered a barrier to impoverished communities, affecting access to employment and other essential services, directly impacting economies. The objective of applying the A* algorithm to transportation challenges is to minimize cost and travel time for transportation.

Pathfinding in Video Games

Pathfinding algorithms are increasingly used in video game development globally. Artificial Intelligence issues are prevalent as these games increase in complexity. Decision-making, movements and strategy are instances where pathfinding algorithms, such as the A* algorithm, are utilized to find optimal solutions. In video games where users make decisions, path finding may increase with complexity as decisions are dynamic according to the user's input. Pathfinding uses up CPU power and memory. The objective is to optimize paths between characters and their endpoints to minimize CPU power and memory used to maximize game performance.


Through the use of a serpentine node map system, using each road and intersection as an edge and node respectively and scoring each based on our characteristics, a basis was built on which to run the A* algorithm. The algorithm was then able to traverse the map finding the shortest, fastest, and most fuel-efficient path in order to minimize the inconvenience to the traveler and the environmental impact. Through the A* algorithm on the node map travel can be optimized to be more efficient and faster for both commercial and pedestrian travel.


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 L.A. Wolsey, Integer Programming. Wiley, 1998.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Liu, Xiang, and Gong, Daoxiong. “A Comparative Study of A-Star Algorithms for Search and Rescue in Perfect Maze.” 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, 2011, https://doi.org/10.1109/iceice.2011.5777723.
  3. P. O. N. Saian, Suyoto and Pranowo, "Optimized A-Star algorithm in hexagon-based environment using parallel bidirectional search," 2016 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), pp. 1-5, 2016, https://doi.org/10.1109/ICITEED.2016.7863246.