2024 Cornell Optimization Open Textbook Feedback: Difference between revisions

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== [[Computational complexity]] ==
== [[Computational complexity]] ==
*References were not provided to support applications on computer science and quantum computing.

== [[Heuristic algorithms]] ==
== [[Heuristic algorithms]] ==
*Adding more details to the Application Section is recommended.
*Please use FigureX as a reference in the text.
*Avoid using contraction (e.g., there's) in scientific writing.

== [[Local branching]] ==
== [[Local branching]] ==
*The title should be “Problem Solution” instead of ”Problem Resolution“.
*The added figure is too small for viewing from the main page and also lacks captions and explanations.
*There are still some formatting issues with the subtitles. For example, some are in bold form while others are not in the content.

== [[Trust-region methods]] ==
== [[Trust-region methods]] ==
*For the applications section, a better method is to briefly summarize the advantages of the method in multiple areas, instead of presents its application on two very specific cases.
*Please label the figures with numbers and direct readers to the figures in text.
*Please try to update equations on page 5.
*References were not well formatted (e.g., Yuan, Y. (2015b)).
*Please try to use the pseudocode for the procedure described on page 3.
*m_k and p in eq.(1) are not defined.
*Fix the typo “prediced reduction” in eq.(3).
*Avoid using contraction (e.g., it’s, doesn’t) and pronouns (e.g., we, us) in scientific writing.
*Rewrite the sentence, “Identical to line search, we do not need to compute the algorithm (2)” as (2) itself is not an algorithm.
*The termination conditions are not complete in section “Termination Criteria”.
*Fletcher is not the same author as cited in [5].
== [[Quadratic programming]] ==
== [[Quadratic programming]] ==
*An inappropriate nonconvex example was used in the Wiki Page. The problem is an MIQP problem instead of a single QP problem.
== [[Sequential quadratic programming]] ==
*Some symbols used in the pseudocodes still lack explanation.

== [[Subgradient optimization]] ==
== [[Subgradient optimization]] ==
*References were not well formatted.
*Symbols used in equations lack explanations.
*The application section was not well drafted and supported by references.

== [[Dynamic optimization]] ==
== [[Eight step procedures]] ==
*For the algorithm description, it would be better to have a pseudocode or a flow chart to summarize it.
*Please use Latex equation editor for equations.
*Please number and label all figures and tables, use FigureX, TableX as a reference in the text.
*Please place references after the period at the end of each sentence and avoid after the optimization problems. This goes for all the sections in the wiki.
== [[Nondifferentiable Optimization]] ==
== [[Nondifferentiable Optimization]] ==
*Most contents are from previous year. The Wiki page should be your original content.
*It is also recommended to revise the citation format based on our example files.
*Please add the case of non convex functions.
*Please add references to support the content in the Introduction section. In-text citations are required.
*Please use Latex equation editor for typing symbols and equations.
*The Numerical Example section is incomplete.
*Application and Conclusion sections are missing.

== [[Evolutionary multimodal optimization]] ==
== [[Evolutionary multimodal optimization]] ==
*Please include more citations in Algorithm Discussion section to support the contents.
*Please use FigureX as a reference in the text.

== [[Stackelberg leadership model]] ==
== [[Stackelberg leadership model]] ==
*Please make citations immediately after the citing contents. Please double-check all the citations in your file.
*Please include more citations in the application section to support your statements.
*Please use flowchart/pseudocode for representing the steps of algorithm
*Please use flowchart/pseudocode for representing the steps of algorithm
*Check the consistency of abbreviations (e.g. what is PAWS?)
*Check the consistency of abbreviations (e.g. what is PAWS?)
*Sections 5-7 can be combined into one section and divided by subsections.

== [[Quadratic constrained quadratic programming]] ==
== [[Quadratic constrained quadratic programming]] ==
*Please double-check that all cited Figures are clearly attached with citations.
*Form of in-text citation is not proper
*Please double-check the citations of your references.
*Need significant amount of citation to support the statement
*Mentioned the ways to relax the non convex set, so please provide at least one example either from SDP or RLT.
*Double check with abbreviations (e.g. KKT and SDP should be defined at the beginning sections)
*Equations should be written in a formal way (e.g. 1/2 should be 1 on top and 2 on the bottom)
*Abbreviations should be introduced only once throughout all sections (e.g., QCQP, QP, SDP)
*Abbreviations should be introduced only once throughout all sections (e.g., QCQP, QP, SDP)
*Avoid using pronouns (e.g., we) in scientific writing.
*Avoid using pronouns (e.g., we) in scientific writing.
*Please revise “Ex. Objective” and “Ex. Constraint” parts in a more professional way in the Application section.
== [[Derivative free optimization]] ==
== [[Derivative free optimization]] ==
*Please try to include a flowchart or pseudocode for illustration of the algorithm.
*If DFO is defined in the previous sections, please use such abbreviations consistently (same for other abbreviations).

== [[Signomial problems]] ==
== [[Signomial problems]] ==
*There is a lack of numerical examples for illustrating the global optimization method introduced on the Wiki page.
*The clarification of the equations used in the Introduction section needs to be improved.

== [[Adadelta]] ==
== [[Adadelta]] ==
*There is an extra line of citation links in the References section.

== [[Adafactor]] ==
== [[Adafactor]] ==
*The clarity of the alghrithm and numerical example session needs to be improved. It is convenient to list all equations, but not good to present it to others.
*The clarity of the alghrithm and numerical example session needs to be improved. It is convenient to list all equations, but not good to present it to others.
*Please revise your reference format.
*More citations are needed for supporting your statement.
*More citations are needed for supporting your statement in the introduction section.
*For the section "software tools and platforms" please provide more details, e.g. how PyTorch is using such optimizers and how this platform introduced this algorithm (do not directly copy and remember to add citation if this is not your own idea).
*The sentence "This article mainly introduces Adafactor and its function, algorithm, and application." can be removed.
*Algorithm and theory section is missing.  

== [[AdamW]] ==
== [[AdamW]] ==
*For the application section, it would be good to emphasize the advantages of AdamW compared to other approach by citing the quantitative results from previous literature.
*Avoid using pronouns (e.g., we, let's) in scientific writing.

== [[Adamax]] ==
== [[Adamax]] ==
*The pseudocode was not well defined. More explanations and logical flow are needed.
*Citations need to be included in the punctuation like period.
*Since this is a modified version of Adam, a comparison with Adam is needed for the numerical example.
*A machine learning case is needed since this is an algorithm designed for machine learning models.

== [[FTRL algorithm]] ==
== [[FTRL algorithm]] ==
*It is very difficult to clarify different levels of subtitles based on the text.
== [[Lion algorithm]] ==
*References were not well formatted. For example, "[1]" is added to many references with no meaning.
*Some symbols used in the equation lack explanations.

== [[LossScaleOptimizer|LossscaleOptimizer]] ==
== [[LossScaleOptimizer|LossscaleOptimizer]] ==
*More citations are needed for supporting the statement and applications.

== [[Nadam]] ==
== [[Nadam]] ==
*The result figures of the numerical example have not been placed in the proper place.
*The numerical example and application parts are still not representative of illustrating NDAM's performance for machine learning models.

== [[Bayesian optimization|Beyesian optimization]] ==
== [[Bayesian optimization|Beyesian optimization]] ==
*Only suggestion is that providing code may not be appropriate in the Wiki page (all on your decision).
*Citation form (in text) should be double checked.
*Citation number should be double checked.
*You can use abbreviations if some special terms appeared multiple times (e.g. Bayesian Optimization -> BO).
*Avoid using pronouns (e.g., we) in scientific writing.
*There is no need to show your own code in this wiki page.
*Avoid adding citations in the conclusion section

== [[Genetic algorithm]] ==
== [[Genetic algorithm]] ==
*Please provide some citations for supporting your statement (e.g. in Introduction)

*Are the Figures used in the text self-generated or cited? If cited, please add citations. Also the resolution of the figures may need to be improved. Looks like two Figure 1 are included, please fix it.
*Please provide some citations  for supporting your statement (e.g. in Introduction)
*Abbreviations should be consistent throughout the context (e.g. GA)
*Please avoid citing or adding links to Wikipedia.
*Please remove the sentence, "as documented in Computational Optimization and Applications."
*More details are expected for Algorithm Discussion section.
== [[Simulated annealing]] ==
== [[Simulated annealing]] ==
*Please provide citations in the application section to support your statements.
*Provide some figures for the numerical study
*Substitute those symbols in a formal way (e.g. T_min should be in a formal way).
*Once the abbr. is defined please use it throughout the context (e.g. SA)
*Once the abbr. is defined please use it throughout the context (e.g. SA)
*There are many extra words throughout the sections, (e.g., “Spaces” in the last sentence of Introduction section, “D.” in section 2.1)
*Avoid using pronouns (e.g., we) in scientific writing.
*Avoid using pronouns (e.g., we) in scientific writing.
== [[Particle swarm optimization]] ==
== [[Particle swarm optimization]] ==
*The caption was missed for the iteration results.

== [[Differential evolution]] ==
== [[Differential evolution]] ==
*Once abbreviations are introduced, please make sure the full term do not appear throughout the context.
*Visualization section is not necessary. Figures should be embedded in the Wiki page.
*Conclusion and References sections should not belong to Application section.
*References are already shown at the bottom of the page. The extra list should be removed.

Latest revision as of 19:26, 17 December 2024

Computational complexity

  • References were not provided to support applications on computer science and quantum computing.

Heuristic algorithms

  • Adding more details to the Application Section is recommended.
  • Please use FigureX as a reference in the text.
  • Avoid using contraction (e.g., there's) in scientific writing.

Local branching

  • The title should be “Problem Solution” instead of ”Problem Resolution“.
  • The added figure is too small for viewing from the main page and also lacks captions and explanations.
  • There are still some formatting issues with the subtitles. For example, some are in bold form while others are not in the content.

Trust-region methods

  • Please label the figures with numbers and direct readers to the figures in text.
  • References were not well formatted (e.g., Yuan, Y. (2015b)).

Quadratic programming

  • An inappropriate nonconvex example was used in the Wiki Page. The problem is an MIQP problem instead of a single QP problem.
  • Some symbols used in the pseudocodes still lack explanation.

Subgradient optimization

  • References were not well formatted.
  • Symbols used in equations lack explanations.
  • The application section was not well drafted and supported by references.

Eight step procedures

  • For the algorithm description, it would be better to have a pseudocode or a flow chart to summarize it.
  • Please use Latex equation editor for equations.
  • Please number and label all figures and tables, use FigureX, TableX as a reference in the text.
  • Please place references after the period at the end of each sentence and avoid after the optimization problems. This goes for all the sections in the wiki.

Nondifferentiable Optimization

  • Most contents are from previous year. The Wiki page should be your original content.
  • It is also recommended to revise the citation format based on our example files.
  • Please add the case of non convex functions.
  • Please add references to support the content in the Introduction section. In-text citations are required.
  • Please use Latex equation editor for typing symbols and equations.
  • The Numerical Example section is incomplete.
  • Application and Conclusion sections are missing.

Evolutionary multimodal optimization

  • Please include more citations in Algorithm Discussion section to support the contents.
  • Please use FigureX as a reference in the text.

Stackelberg leadership model

  • Please use flowchart/pseudocode for representing the steps of algorithm
  • Check the consistency of abbreviations (e.g. what is PAWS?)

Quadratic constrained quadratic programming

  • Form of in-text citation is not proper
  • Abbreviations should be introduced only once throughout all sections (e.g., QCQP, QP, SDP)
  • Avoid using pronouns (e.g., we) in scientific writing.

Derivative free optimization

  • Please try to include a flowchart or pseudocode for illustration of the algorithm.
  • If DFO is defined in the previous sections, please use such abbreviations consistently (same for other abbreviations).

Signomial problems

  • There is a lack of numerical examples for illustrating the global optimization method introduced on the Wiki page.
  • The clarification of the equations used in the Introduction section needs to be improved.


  • There is an extra line of citation links in the References section.


  • The clarity of the alghrithm and numerical example session needs to be improved. It is convenient to list all equations, but not good to present it to others.
  • More citations are needed for supporting your statement.


  • For the application section, it would be good to emphasize the advantages of AdamW compared to other approach by citing the quantitative results from previous literature.
  • Avoid using pronouns (e.g., we, let's) in scientific writing.


  • The pseudocode was not well defined. More explanations and logical flow are needed.
  • Citations need to be included in the punctuation like period.
  • Since this is a modified version of Adam, a comparison with Adam is needed for the numerical example.
  • A machine learning case is needed since this is an algorithm designed for machine learning models.

FTRL algorithm

  • It is very difficult to clarify different levels of subtitles based on the text.
  • References were not well formatted. For example, "[1]" is added to many references with no meaning.
  • Some symbols used in the equation lack explanations.


  • More citations are needed for supporting the statement and applications.


  • The result figures of the numerical example have not been placed in the proper place.
  • The numerical example and application parts are still not representative of illustrating NDAM's performance for machine learning models.

Beyesian optimization

  • Citation form (in text) should be double checked.

Genetic algorithm

  • Please provide some citations for supporting your statement (e.g. in Introduction)

Simulated annealing

  • Once the abbr. is defined please use it throughout the context (e.g. SA)
  • Avoid using pronouns (e.g., we) in scientific writing.

Particle swarm optimization

  • The caption was missed for the iteration results.

Differential evolution

  • Once abbreviations are introduced, please make sure the full term do not appear throughout the context.
  • Visualization section is not necessary. Figures should be embedded in the Wiki page.
  • Conclusion and References sections should not belong to Application section.
  • References are already shown at the bottom of the page. The extra list should be removed.