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- For the applications section, a better method is to briefly summarize the advantages of the method in multiple areas, instead of presents its application on two very specific cases.
- Please try to update equations on page 5.
- Please try to use the pseudocode for the procedure described on page 3.
- m_k and p in eq.(1) are not defined.
- Fix the typo “prediced reduction” in eq.(3).
- Avoid using contraction (e.g., it’s, doesn’t) and pronouns (e.g., we, us) in scientific writing.
- Rewrite the sentence, “Identical to line search, we do not need to compute the algorithm (2)” as (2) itself is not an algorithm.
- The termination conditions are not complete in section “Termination Criteria”.
- Fletcher is not the same author as cited in [5].
- Please double-check that all cited Figures are clearly attached with citations.
- Please double-check the citations of your references.
- Need significant amount of citation to support the statement
- Mentioned the ways to relax the non convex set, so please provide at least one example either from SDP or RLT.
- Double check with abbreviations (e.g. KKT and SDP should be defined at the beginning sections)
- Equations should be written in a formal way (e.g. 1/2 should be 1 on top and 2 on the bottom)
- Abbreviations should be introduced only once throughout all sections (e.g., QCQP, QP, SDP)
- Avoid using pronouns (e.g., we) in scientific writing.
- Please revise “Ex. Objective” and “Ex. Constraint” parts in a more professional way in the Application section.
- Are the Figures used in the text self-generated or cited? If cited, please add citations. Also the resolution of the figures may need to be improved. Looks like two Figure 1 are included, please fix it.
- Please provide some citations for supporting your statement (e.g. in Introduction)
- Abbreviations should be consistent throughout the context (e.g. GA)
- Please avoid citing or adding links to Wikipedia.
- Please remove the sentence, "as documented in Computational Optimization and Applications."
- More details are expected for Algorithm Discussion section.
- Please provide citations in the application section to support your statements.
- Provide some figures for the numerical study
- Substitute those symbols in a formal way (e.g. T_min should be in a formal way).
- Once the abbr. is defined please use it throughout the context (e.g. SA)
- There are many extra words throughout the sections, (e.g., “Spaces” in the last sentence of Introduction section, “D.” in section 2.1)
- Avoid using pronouns (e.g., we) in scientific writing.