2024 Cornell Optimization Open Textbook Feedback

From Cornell University Computational Optimization Open Textbook - Optimization Wiki
Revision as of 16:24, 17 December 2024 by Wc593 (talk | contribs) (Edited Team19-22 feedback)
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Computational complexity

  • References were not provided to support applications on computer science and quantum computing.

Heuristic algorithms

  • More details on the Application Section.
  • Please come up with one numerical example with hill-climbing.
  • Please add more references to support the content in the Introduction section.
  • Please add figure captions for the pseudocodes.
  • Avoid using contraction (e.g., we're) and pronouns (e.g., we) in scientific writing.
  • ResearchGate is not a publisher. Please check the reference again.

Local branching

  • The title should be “Problem Solution” instead of ”Problem Resolution“.
  • The added figure is too small for viewing from the main page and also lacks captions and explanations.
  • There are still some formatting issues with the subtitles. For example, some are in bold form while others are not in the content.

Trust-region methods

  • Please label the figures with numbers and direct readers to the figures in text.
  • References were not well formatted (e.g., Yuan, Y. (2015b)).

Quadratic programming

  • An inappropriate nonconvex example was used in the Wiki Page. The problem is an MIQP problem instead of a single QP problem.
  • Some symbols used in the pseudocodes still lack explanation.

Subgradient optimization

  • References were not well formatted.
  • Symbols used in equations lack explanations.
  • The application section was not well drafted and supported by references.

Dynamic optimization

  • For the algorithm description, it would be better to have a pseudocode or a flow chart to summarize it.
  • Please use Latex equation editor for equations.
  • Please number and label all figures and tables, use FigureX, TableX as a reference in the text.
  • Please place references after the period at the end of each sentence and avoid after the optimization problems. This goes for all the sections in the wiki.

Nondifferentiable Optimization

  • Most contents are from previous year. The Wiki page should be your original content.
  • It is also recommended to revise the citation format based on our example files.
  • Please add the case of non convex functions.
  • Please add references to support the content in the Introduction section. In-text citations are required.
  • Please use Latex equation editor for typing symbols and equations.
  • The Numerical Example section is incomplete.
  • Application and Conclusion sections are missing.

Evolutionary multimodal optimization

  • It would be better to have subsections of each approach in the Algorithm Discussion section to improve the clarity.
  • The logic flow and clarity of both the Algorithm Discussion section and Numerical Example section need to be largely improved.
  • Please include citations to support the Wiki contents.
  • Please make sure abbreviations should be consistent throughout the context.
  • In-text citations are required.
  • Please add mathematical expressions to Algorithm Discussion section for explicitness.
  • Please provide step by step calculation for the numerical example.
  • Adding some figures may help reader to understand the content.

Stackelberg leadership model

  • Please use flowchart/pseudocode for representing the steps of algorithm
  • Check the consistency of abbreviations (e.g. what is PAWS?)

Quadratic constrained quadratic programming

  • Form of in-text citation is not proper
  • Abbreviations should be introduced only once throughout all sections (e.g., QCQP, QP, SDP)
  • Avoid using pronouns (e.g., we) in scientific writing.

Derivative free optimization

  • Please try to include a flowchart or pseudocode for illustration of the algorithm.
  • If DFO is defined in the previous sections, please use such abbreviations consistently (same for other abbreviations).

Signomial problems

  • There is a lack of numerical examples for illustrating the global optimization method introduced on the Wiki page.
  • The clarification of the equations used in the Introduction section needs to be improved.


  • There is an extra line of citation links in the References section.


  • The clarity of the alghrithm and numerical example session needs to be improved. It is convenient to list all equations, but not good to present it to others.
  • More citations are needed for supporting your statement.


  • For the application section, it would be good to emphasize the advantages of AdamW compared to other approach by citing the quantitative results from previous literature.
  • Avoid using pronouns (e.g., we, let's) in scientific writing.


  • The pseudocode was not well defined. More explanations and logical flow are needed.
  • Citations need to be included in the punctuation like period.
  • Since this is a modified version of Adam, a comparison with Adam is needed for the numerical example.
  • A machine learning case is needed since this is an algorithm designed for machine learning models.

FTRL algorithm

  • It is very difficult to clarify different levels of subtitles based on the text.
  • References were not well formatted. For example, "[1]" is added to many references with no meaning.
  • Some symbols used in the equation lack explanations.


  • More citations are needed for supporting the statement and applications.


  • The result figures of the numerical example have not been placed in the proper place.
  • The numerical example and application parts are still not representative of illustrating NDAM's performance for machine learning models.

Beyesian optimization

  • Citation form (in text) should be double checked.

Genetic algorithm

  • Please provide some citations for supporting your statement (e.g. in Introduction)

Simulated annealing

  • Once the abbr. is defined please use it throughout the context (e.g. SA)
  • Avoid using pronouns (e.g., we) in scientific writing.

Particle swarm optimization

  • The caption was missed for the iteration results.

Differential evolution

  • Provide more references to support the statements made in the Application Section.
  • Make sure abbreviations are consistent throughout the context (e.g. Please define DE at the introduction section not in the later section, please check the similar cases as well).
  • In-text citations are required.
  • The symbols in the pseudocode is not in proper format. Please use Latex equation editor for this.
  • Please number and label all figures, use FigureX as a reference in the text.
  • Please add more details to numerical example (e.g., replace x = -7 with -5 because f(x1) > f(u1))